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Showing posts from January 14, 2007

What next?

Sleeping With Bread... The last few days have been interesting - after giving two weeks notice at my current church, I've had a great sense of relief and peace. Now I know it will not be easy to bid farewell to the children, teens and co-workers I've grown close to - but it's a good feeling to be coming back "Home". So as I step into a new-yet familiar opportunity for ministry and relationship building I'm trying to give myself room to breathe and also trying to remember that this is not a race. It's important for me to consider what "bread" God is having me take along on this journey so here are a few thoughts on my sources of strength and hope: !. God has a fantastic way of dealing with life. I'm amazed that in all the lives of all His children that he is a wonderful "parent" to all. I'm not stating that I think God is going to hand me anything I want - I'm simply remembering the scripture that says (forgive my basic reite...