Five years ago this Sunday, I gave a sermon on this text with the help of a visual aid: a door! I used a door – a real, full sized door and chalk to write down the things that the congregation feared. We literally wrote what we were afraid of on a door. And while I don’t have chalk or a door today for you to write on, we do have the ability to “write” in the comment section. “What are you afraid of?” And so, today – I return to the same question – in and amidst an extended Covid 19 “shelter in home”: “What are you afraid of?” If you feel you can, would your type, there? What thing or worry – keeps coming to the surface of your thoughts in these days? What fear seems to be taking up too much space in the rooms where you live right now? If you are willing – type these fears in the comment section below… or write them down on some paper at home. This gospel tells us a story about fear – the disciples are hiding away in a house because they were afraid. They had just...