Original cat image here . Its a foggy morning washed in damp gray. I see a sleepy serene city, slowly starting its day. School buses stop at each street and are covered in morning dew. Little children dressed in yellow rain coats dance in the mist with their umbrellas, as they wait for dripping folding doors to open and allow them to climb those big black steps inside and sit on a big vinyl green seat. Windshield wipers steadily, but slowly cross my windshield. Keeping the pace with water spitting tires and red stop lights; driving down a hill, up and hill and around the corner. I feel like a gunpowder gray cat that wants to curl up and rest in the quiet of this day. I'd nap away the morning chill till the sunrise dried up the dew and its beams came in my window to wake me. I'd curl back up in a ball, nose to tail, and find a cozy patch of sunlight to sit in. Then I'd think about getting started, maybe. But, I'm already started and halfway there. Engine running, turn si...