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Showing posts from September 2, 2018

Welcome from the heart

From the book Heart Talk author Cleo Wade says this about the heart of welcome… “We are here to connect, not compare. There is a reason we are not in this world alone. It is because we are all connected and need each other to function peacefully, purposefully and powerfully. We cannot know happiness or our true power if we are constantly in a state of comparison and competition. ..Connection rejects the idea of competing for any one thing and runs, instead, on gratitude and abundance, which weave us more deeply into each other’s lives so that we may better support one another in the world. Connection knows that everything we accomplish in life is much more fulfilling when we help others along the way.” Her words make me wonder, can actions of welcome be the glue of building connection between people? What would be possible if we truly welcome one another - from the heart? One of the most extreme experiences of heart welcome I've been in the receiving end happened in an u...