Nope I'm not talking about being in the pits today, I'm talking about PTS as in Princeton Theological Seminary. Specifically the Certificate in Youth Ministry program. It's not that I'm trying to sell you on the program, even if I do happen to do that, what I'm trying to express and encourage you to consider today is this meme question: "Where do I have the greatest sense of and least sense of belonging?" On Saturday, my husband, myself and two youth volunteers went to a one day intensive in Cleveland, Ohio that featured key note speaker Mark DeVries , and session leaders Becky Hart and Neil Myer . This day was a condensed version of what I experienced in April when I attended my Certificate retreat and Forum week on Campus at Princeton Seminary. If you are looking for a means of continuing education in the field of youth ministry, I'd insist you take a look at the program; but if you are simply looking for some "bread: for your Monday Sleepi...