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Showing posts from October 17, 2010

Trees need to walk

One of the most challenging and intimidating words most people in and outside of the church would agree upon would be: EVANGELISM. There are visions of angry people shouting Bible verses, picketing the streets and knocking on doors. These are the pictures that often keep people from getting involved with the mission and ministry of evangelism. What if, instead of these intimidating examples, evangelism looked something like this: A friend taking a friend out for coffee and talk about how God has provided for their needs. One neighbor helps another neighbor with repairs to their home. A co-worker can invite an office mate to worship. A group of friends read a book about faith together. A person visits someone who can't make it out to worship due to illness or other difficulty. A student invites someone who is excluded at school to walk to class or sit with them at lunch. A small group gathers to pray together for a period of time in order to ask God's leading on just how to reac...

SWB: Belonging Bread

Nope I'm not talking about being in the pits today, I'm talking about PTS as in Princeton Theological Seminary. Specifically the Certificate in Youth Ministry program. It's not that I'm trying to sell you on the program, even if I do happen to do that, what I'm trying to express and encourage you to consider today is this meme question: "Where do I have the greatest sense of and least sense of belonging?" On Saturday, my husband, myself and two youth volunteers went to a one day intensive in Cleveland, Ohio that featured key note speaker Mark DeVries , and session leaders Becky Hart and Neil Myer . This day was a condensed version of what I experienced in April when I attended my Certificate retreat and Forum week on Campus at Princeton Seminary. If you are looking for a means of continuing education in the field of youth ministry, I'd insist you take a look at the program; but if you are simply looking for some "bread: for your Monday Sleepi...