To read this at the original blog site, go to Sleeping with Bread . Image from I spend some time every day taking my dog, Aggie that we adopted from the humane society in October, for a run or walk every day. Yesterday morning it was so cold (3 below zero) that for the first time she was not into the "walk" once we got out the door and down the street a ways. She took to picking up each paw, hopping around on three paws, switching the foot that was up in the air, and hopping around on the other three till she made it all the way around her too-cold paws. It took me a little bit to pick up on her hint to me that it was TOO COLD for a walk, but then again I have to admit that her one foot up, hop, hop, hop and other foot up, hop, hop, hop dance routine had me laughing very hard and very much out loud. Today was much warmer, well at least it was in the double digits - so I took her to one of her favorite places to bound around. We took our morning hike today at the sn...