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SWB Host Post: Dog Dances and Bread

To read this at the original blog site, go to Sleeping with Bread.

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I spend some time every day taking my dog, Aggie that we adopted from the humane society in October, for a run or walk every day. Yesterday morning it was so cold (3 below zero) that for the first time she was not into the "walk" once we got out the door and down the street a ways. She took to picking up each paw, hopping around on three paws, switching the foot that was up in the air, and hopping around on the other three till she made it all the way around her too-cold paws. It took me a little bit to pick up on her hint to me that it was TOO COLD for a walk, but then again I have to admit that her one foot up, hop, hop, hop and other foot up, hop, hop, hop dance routine had me laughing very hard and very much out loud.

Today was much warmer, well at least it was in the double digits - so I took her to one of her favorite places to bound around. We took our morning hike today at the snow covered softball/soccer fields behind my son's middle school. There was what seemed to be miles and miles of untouched fields of snow. One trail had be broken by someone over the weekend with bigger feet than I, so I happily followed these boot tracks all the way around the glittering snowy field while Aggie herded, ran circle and hopped (with all four feet this time) through the drifts of fluffy snow.

It was obvious when comparing the two walks with my dog, on which one she felt more herself. On the first day, she was cold, uncomfortable but thankfully, I was eventually smart enough to know what she was trying to tell me; and I took her home and retreated to the warmth of my home. Today, Aggie was in her element of lots of space to run, her walking buddy to play tag with (me), and the conditions were well within her liking. She had the space and time to play like her canine self today.

How often do I take time to access what conditions or company help me to feel more or less like myself? Do I have people around me that listen to my hints, cues, and one foot up - hop - hop - hop dances when I'm just out of sorts? Ultimately, I know I have buddies that support and help me along the way in time of both comfort and discomfort. In addition, I know that G-d knows what is on my heart even before I show any physical signs of being out of sorts.

So like my canine friend Aggie, I hope you have good listeners when you are feeling most fully yourself as well as when you least feel like yourself. If ever you need more listeners, the crew of Sleeping with bread is here with our ears and eyes open and maybe will share in some laughter to help get past the awkward dances we sometimes find ourselves in the middle of.

So this week - When did you feel most fully yourself and least yourself? Did you have someone to dance with? Just in case you need to know it, you are not alone. G-d is with you, the bread is with you, and Aggie and I are standing and laughing with you in the snow doing the one foot up - hop - hop - hop - dance.

This is my snow buddy Aggie!

Isaiah 43
When You're Between a Rock and a Hard Place
1-4 But now, God's Message, the God who made you in the first place, Jacob,
the One who got you started, Israel:
"Don't be afraid, I've redeemed you.
I've called your name. You're mine.
When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you.
When you're in rough waters, you will not go down.
When you're between a rock and a hard place,
it won't be a dead end—
Because I am God, your personal God,
The Holy of Israel, your Savior.
I paid a huge price for you:
all of Egypt, with rich Cush and Seba thrown in!
That's how much you mean to me!
That's how much I love you!
I'd sell off the whole world to get you back,
trade the creation just for you.


Mel said…
What I'm thinking is.....brilliant.

No small secret that I'm doing that hop hop hop dance hop hop hop deal..LOL No worries though, I surround myself with people who care enough to notice the dance. And for that, I'm grateful. Truly.

As I'm grateful for your coming to find me.
When I stray from routines, when I fail to show up, when I suddenly don't 'participate' in that which I'm usually participatory--yup...LOL CLUE!!!

Hop hop!

(((((((( Tara ))))))))
Thank you.
Very much.

I mean that.
Tara Lamont said…
Thank you for stopping over and dancing with me!

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