Grace is a beautiful gift, if only we allow ourselves the space and time to receive it. Too often grace is one of those gifts that we'd prefer not to use. It can be easier to plug away at life with our own abilities and plans as the center and think grace is something to be used only in case of emergency. Honestly, I think the emergency is the fact that grace is treated as a minor benefit, is ignored until a disaster occurs, or become cheap in our nonchalant treatment of it. In the words of the famous hymn " Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see." Do these lyrics really reflect how I live out grace in my life? Grace has been on my mind a great deal this last week or so. In fact a few weeks ago, in the midst of a weary day and lots to do, I had to ask someone to give me some grace and some space to figure out what to do next. A funny thing happened when I asked for grace, the person d...