Ian Mobsby, is an ordained NSM Anglican priest licensed to work with the Moot community , an Anglican Church of England Fresh Expression of Church Project in Westminster, Central London. Ian has just completed his second book. "The becoming of G-D" and is coming to the US and Canada for a book tour in the month of June. After meeting Ian last year at an Emergent Pittsburgh event discussing the function of art in the worship setting, we continued discussion specifically concerning Rublev's Icon and the symbolism of this 17th century painting. This conversation resulted in my writing the song "Eucharist" and the lyrics of this song have been included in Ian's new book. Ian has recently confirmed his tour in partnership with Westminster Presbyterian Church , St. Luke's Episcopal Church and various other individual sponsors to include an event in the Jamestown/Lakewood area. Sunday and Saturday's events will be held at the YWCA Lake Lodge in Lakewoo...
Life is tough, but hope is tougher.