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Showing posts from January 27, 2013

Family Valentine Pocket of Care Craft

Supplies: Square large sheet of card stock, scissors, glue stick, yarn or ribbon, Bible verse of choice, Valentine inspired artwork and markers. Build Valentine Pocket of Care: 1.Turn square card stock so points face N, S, E, W .  2. Fold South point up to create pocket base and west and east to the middle. 3.  Glue in place and then place pap er with text on top of the intersection. 4. With a hold punch make a hold at top to attach string to hang. 5.  On scrap paper, write ways to care for family and friends for the month. 6. Take one a day out and challenge each other to care of someone new! This project was made with our Family Devotions Group at First Lutheran Church in Jamestown NY. . If you need some inspiration for the caring "coupons", check out the Search Institute for more information or  reference the list provided below.  15 0 ways to show kids you care Notice them. Smile a lot. Acknowledge them. Learn their ...