Image from Wikipedia. If I could knit, I'd knit a sweater out of the things I'm thankful for. I'd wear that sweater in all kinds of weather. If it was hot, I'd think of the clean water I have to drink. If it was cold, I'd think of the layers of clothing I have to put under my thankfulness sweater. If I was hungry, I'd think of how thankful I'd be for a healthy body that can metabolize food. If I was hurting, I'd think of the loving people in my life and take their affirming words and actions to wrap around me. Keeping my mind in a place of thankfulness is often not as easy a putting on a sweater when I'm chilly. In fact there have been some chills this last week that are making it hard to think I'll ever feel warm again. But this image of a thankfulness sweater is one that has captured my imagination - and so I'm beginning to think of doing some knitting. I'll need some directions, some lessons and even a pattern for this thankfulness sw...