( Image found at blog World of Snark craft ) Blanket of love Flake by flake its falling, seeking a place to land, it seems so small and delicate and melts instantly in my hand. By the thousands they are falling, making their way to earth. They shimmer as I shiver and watch them silently cover the dirt. Thinking for a moment in my quiet reverie, if each flake represented G-d's love - but looked at the drifts saying, "Surely that's not all for me." G-d's love for us is like infinity, just like these piles of snow. This morning I became more aware of it and now feel I've got G-d's story to tell. I know that snowflakes are snowflakes, and G-d's love is G-d's love. But I spied a big fat snowflake, open my mouth and ate it. Thank you God for this snowflake, thank you God for you love.
Life is tough, but hope is tougher.