Cups for Change is a grass roots and world aware effort to raise funds for the poor, help build our local church and promote local art talent.
Tony (who makes the cups) has a hair salon on 2nd street in Jamestown, NY directly down from Chautauqua Music. He has been working with pottery for about 2 years now and has some of his cups being used in local shops and coffee shops.
Upon gaining greater awareness of the food shortages worldwide ( esp. in Haiti and Egypt) I was told about the organization Food for the poor.
They have been working for 26 years to feed the poorest communities throughout the world!
At our meeting this Tuesday, we decided to try to sell Tony's cups for $8.00 each, with $4 going back to Tony, $2 going to Food for the Poor and $2 going to our ministry at WPC locally.
If you are interested in purchasing a cup please drop me a line or contact us via our website information. It's our hope that this effort will help promote local arts, community ministry and feed the hungry. These are "Cups for change"!
PS> Cups will be sold at our Noon Tea next Saturday ( noon - 2) Tickets are still available!