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On the Road to the Church Basement Road Show: give it a whoop, and a push and all you've got!

Hot Metal Bridge, The Open Door and Christ Community Church collaborated in bringing the Church Basement Roadshow to the south hills neighborhood of Pittsburgh, PA last Saturday evening. This summer book tour included Doug Pagitt, Tony Jones and Mark Scandrette in a revival style event that truly captivated audiences nation-wide! Ian, Nigel and I pack up our Toyota and hit the road to take in this opportunity to see just what the road show was all about!

As we drove 3 1/2 hours to the Church Basement Roadshow. Nigel kept asking us, "What are we going to see?" "Is it a concert?" "Who is going to perform?" After much explanation about the potential of the vaudevillesque nation-wide book tour, we simply concluded to our 11 year old. "It's kind of hard to explain, so we'll just have to see when we get there."

We arrived early at Hot Metal Bridge Saturday evening to find Doug, Tony, Mark and crew setting up chairs, merchandise tables and technical sound checks. We were happy to join in the activity and helped set up programs and hand outs at the entrance of the tent that was set up for the outdoor show. Nigel helped moving and preparing Bibles that were to be given away and eventually went into the tent when he noticed a guitar and mandolin laid out on the stage.

Nigel made friends with the sound man and introduced himself to Tony and started talking guitars and music. Within a few minutes he was in his glory playing Tony's guitar and mandolin. He helped with sound check on the instruments, lighting set up and listened intently to Tony as he explained how to play chords on the mandolin. You could see the excitement on his face as he enjoyed the conversation and inclusion in setting up for the show. With his flip camera in hand - Nigel was ready to catch the action.

People began to filter into the tent and were greeting by volunteers who were dressed in period style clothing. My friend Terry exclaimed, " I wouldn't have worried about what I was going to wear to this event if I knew I was going to be wearing overalls and a straw hat!" The tent, the costumes and the pre-show interaction of Doug, Mark and Tony all set the stage for the old-time revival meeting feel of the show. The stage was set and the crowd was ready for a good time!

Throughout the evening, Doug, Tony and Mark led the crowd in song and vignettes of personal stories of faith and experience in the Church.

Jesus, Jesus Kingdom of God revealed.
Love is the way when we follow each day.
And in Him all is healed.

The Balm of Gilead jokingly was promoted to be an agent of healing, hair restoration and for making a tasty vinaigrette dressing in a pinch!

Some the palm.

Can help keep you calm...

In these troubled times!

While we all had a good time laughing and playing along with the show, there was a great balance of creativity and depth in the message of following Jesus and challenging the crowd to make a practical difference in the world - much like the original revival meetings I attended as a child. Pleas were made on the behalf of poverty stricken children and opportunity was given for everyone in the crowd to sponsor a child through Compassion International.

Doug Pagitt shared the story of his conversion to Christianity as a teenager when attending a passion play with a high school friend. He shared his desire to go out and meet up with what God is doing in the world around us and challenged the listeners to do the same. In his newest book, A Christianity worth believing, you will have the opportunity to read more of his journey of faith in following after the love of Christ.

Tony Jones told his story of learning how to love and minister to others in his first appointment after attending seminary. His massive knowledge of theology was impressive, but he reflects that, " in seminary, I choose to study all the 'isms'and 'ologys' I could. I never took any practical class on the day to day work of being a pastor." As a missionary to a poor reservation town, he began to understand the power and importance of practical love and care for the people of the small town he resided. Tony tells the stories of "New Christians" in his new book, The New Christians: Dispatches from the Emergent Frontier. He emphasizes God's great ability to work with and within the human heart in order to continue to carry His message of love to the world.

Mark Scandrette poetically told of his life experience of moving to the Mission neighborhood of San Francisco to work and live in community for the sake of following after Jesus. His experiments of following after Rabbi Jesus in the day to day reality of Urban life create great opportunity for ministry and mission as well as ample opportunity to understand how much there is to learn on the journey of following Christ. Soul Graffiti is Mark's first book and is filled with accounts of living in intentional community and what he coins, the Jesus-dojo.

At the end of the evening, Nigel had the opportunity to chat with all the guys on the tour and get a picture with Tony. I wonder the depth of the impression that this event has made upon my 11 year old son. He was impressed with the fun and message of the evening saying, "Why isn't church always like this?" and " Hey can we come back to this the next time they are here?" We all laughed and said, "Sorry buddy, this was a very special one time deal."

Thank you to Doug, Tony and Mark for dreaming up this fun, overwhelming and impacting book tour. You were not satisfied with the status quo of simply standing up front and reading from you books. You took this chance to connect with people at a grass roots level, share your faith in a fun and captivating way, and stir up the hearts and minds of those attending to hold on to Jesus and love the world in the process.

Personally to, I must thank you all for making this evening such a great time for my son. While he was impressed with the lights, guitar, mandolin, showmanship and humor I believe his greatest impression was your love for God and others. As we made our way to the car at the end of the night, he paused and said - "Oh Mom, can I run back a get a Bible for my friend - he wants one, but doesn't have one!"

The message of Jesus not only connected with the adults at the road show last Saturday night. The message resounded in the heart and mind of my son. So much so that he knew it was something he needed to share with his friend. My own heart was 'revived' in witnessing Jesus call out and work in the heart of my own child's desire to reach out to a friend. Thanks for giving this book tour a whoop, and a push and all you've got - we'll try to do the same at home!


Anonymous said…
This is a generous, honest, beautiful deeper look into the Roadshow. I was especially struck by how your son experienced the event; it's that honesty, authenticity, and humility that have impressed me with Doug, Tony, and Mark...especially Mark.
I've read portions of Soul Graffiti, and at times was reduced to tears.

Nathan Myers
Tara Lamont said…
Thanks Nathan. - what a great group of people that put the Roadshow on.
terry said…
what a great post. it was awesome to see nigel take it all in. it will be co to see how God works in his life in the seasons ahead. may the seeds planted that night bear much fruit.

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