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A year in my life

My friend Amanda made a great review of 2008 in her blog, "Life in a suitcase" and so decided to follow suit with an adapted review of my own. Here goes 2008...

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?

I finished my BA degree. I was laid off for a few months. I wrote, recorded and printed my first album. I had an article published online and a poem printed in a book. I ran a 5k and went to California for the first time this year too. One full year with book club and the friends that attend it - thanks for the time and thoughts you share on Tuesdays!

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions and will you make more for next year?

I resolved to make some improvement on my health and followed through.
That is a road I continuing to go further on.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

My friend Brian's wife had a baby girl a few months ago and I had the pleasure to meet the baby this last week. How do kids grow so fast?

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Albert - a friend and co-worker from the Salvation Army in Warren, PA. He was a very sweet gentle man who worked very hard and loved people sincerely.

William - my friend and hair dresser that I just met in July of this year. He died suddenly in November from a heart attack. The salon and my life is not the same without him.

Aunt Carol - passed away a few weeks ago after a long struggle with cancer. I will always think of strawberry shampoo when I think of you.

Kalauah - My sweet dog that lived to the age of 16! She was a member of out family that extended beyond our immediate household. We enjoyed her unconditional love and presence in our home for almost twelve years. To be honest, I still find myself waiting to be greeted by her every day when I come home and open the back door.

5. What trips did you take?

I visited the Pittsburgh area three times: Once for the "Jesus for President" tour, once for the "Church Basement Road Show", and the last trip was to the National Youth Workers Convention.

I went to northern California to attend an outreach conference and visit some emerging churches and communities at the beginning of March.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?

Greater focus on creative and writing projects as well as the time to work on them.
More fun time with my family.
Consistency and stability in my vocation.
Greater commitment to spiritual disciplines.

7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

January 27th - The first Kiln gathering. It was so exciting to have a great mix of people there. The music and creative teamwork was great.

February 28th - Arriving in sunny San Jose after departing from snowy NY. What a contrast!

March - Easter week and the Artist Share Gallery that was set up in the Lake Lodge. It was the most memorable holy week due to the people that shared art and life that week.

April 19th - The beginning date of the recording process with David Trusso, James Reed and myself. Thank you guys for making a creative dream come to reality!

May 8th - meeting Lowell Avery and discussing outreach and ministry. It was great to have conversation and prayer with someone with such a heart for all people.

June 7th and 8th - my graduation day from Empire State College after years of working at it and hosting Ian Mobsby to come to Jamestown for a conference on his book, "The becoming of G-d" - it was exciting to have all his insight, humor and personality here with us in small town USA.

July 27th - my last day leading worship, preaching and serving with Westminster Presbyterian Church. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow as well as setting me free to grow some more.

August 2nd- Going to Pittsburgh to the Church Basement Road Show and seeing everything through my son's awe filled eyes. I recall him saying, " Wow Mom, why can't church be like this every day?"

September 19-23 was the World Vision AIDS exhibit that took place at the Ice Arena in Jamestown NY. I was so blessed to be a part of the team to help all week at this well received exhibit.

October 21st - My first day at First Lutheran. I recall butterflies of newness yet assurance that I was in the right place. Thanks to all who encouraged me through my job search and beyond.

November 16th - Helping to serve communion that day in the contemporary service, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of belonging. Also, October 30 to November 3rd when attending the NYWC in Pittsburgh. There were so many speakers there that were speakers and friends that I'd made in the last year or so. Thank you all for being open to making friends with me. Thanks to Libby, Jodi and Karen for spending time with me there too!

December was full of so many good things - I learned a great deal my first Christmas here at 1st Lutheran, I enjoyed the holidays with my family and I'm excited for the year to come!

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Running in a 5k is a big deal to me - I trained from April to August and did not come in last. Yeah!

9. Best books your read in 2008?

Oh so many good books this year! Bird by bird, Sacred Space 2008, The Shack, I'm Proud of You, Speaking of Faith, Blue Like Jazz, Flirting with Monsaticism, Soul Graffiti, Leaving Church, Organic Church, and Velvet Elvis all come to mind first. I still have more books to get too!

10. Song lyric that most reflects 2008?

It would probably be a tie between Lost or The Hardest Part both by Coldplay. There was so much creative and personal investments as well as changes on 2008 that the bitter sweet words just seem to fit. Here are the lyrics to 'The hardest part' as well as the video to Lost...

And the hardest apart
Was letting go not taking part
Was the hardest part
And the strangest thing
Was waiting for that bell to ring
It was the strangest start

I could feel it go down
Bittersweet I could taste in my mouth
Silver lining in the clouds
oh And I
I wish that I could work it out

And the hardest part
Was letting go not taking part
You really broke my heart
And I tried to sing
But I couldn't think of anything
And that was the hardest part

I could feel it go down
You left the sweetest taste in my mouth
You're a silver lining the clouds
Oh, and I
Oh, and I
I wonder what its all about [x2]

Everything I know is wrong
Everything I do it just comes undone
And everything is torn apart
Oh and thats the hardest part
Thats the hardest part
Yeah, thats the hardest part
Thats the hardest part

Happy New Year world - 09 is full of possibility!

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30 thankful posts down, 1 to go!


Amanda said…
You did about 8 million more things than I in the past year and you have a much better memory for dates!

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