An author acquaintance of mine, Enuma Okoro, recently wrote and was published at ABC news weekly inspiration, some thoughts concerning Mary (the mother of Christ) and what kind of person she really must have been. There has always been a great deal of wonder and speculation about Mary, but what I love about what Enuma brings to light is, the attitude of courageous expectation she must have possessed.
In a less-than-best-circumstance, Mary was willing to say - "As you say, so shall it be with me." She considered herself 'blessed', where many would have not. I'm impressed with Mary even more now that I see her as a young woman with "moxy" as a characteristic. Somehow that makes me smile. I'm also challenged to follow the example of Mary in this Advent season, by living in a space of courageous expectation. Courageous because of the ability to be active and impacting even difficult circumstances and expectant because of God's provision - in all times. This is the place I need to live this Advent season.
So, this referral to Enuma's article is my bread for the week. I'm thankful for the humor and new perspective of her words. I hope you like them and that they are bread to you as well. Don't forget, a little moxy is a good thing indeed.
God's Peace,