Knots and string to a new year ring.
To link and weave and knit.
New hope and dreams without tattered seams,
but strength and flex and wit.
Sometimes we cut ourselves away from
what we need to most.
God picks up the end and mends again
to draw us ever close.
To build a life of something colorful, lovely and grand -
is something that can't only be accomplished by human hands;
but in partnership with the Creator - we knit.
Knots and string to a new year ring.
To link and weave and knit.
New hope and dreams without tattered seams,
but strength and flex and wit.
T. Eastman 2013
Earlier this week I was reading a parable about and eager disciple and an elder. The story goes like this...
In this new year, there are many things we all like to resolve to achieve, but in all of it, we need God to tie our knots. May your new year be woven with all things that resolve, mend and bless.
Grace and Peace,
To link and weave and knit.
New hope and dreams without tattered seams,
but strength and flex and wit.
Sometimes we cut ourselves away from
what we need to most.
God picks up the end and mends again
to draw us ever close.
To build a life of something colorful, lovely and grand -
is something that can't only be accomplished by human hands;
but in partnership with the Creator - we knit.
Knots and string to a new year ring.
To link and weave and knit.
New hope and dreams without tattered seams,
but strength and flex and wit.
T. Eastman 2013
Earlier this week I was reading a parable about and eager disciple and an elder. The story goes like this...
"God, the elder said, "is closer to sinners that to saints." "But how can this be?" the eager disciple asked. And the elder explained, "God in heaven hold each person by a string. When we sin, we cut the string. Then God ties it up again, making a knot - bringing the sinner a little closer. Again and again sins cut the string - and with each knot God keeps drawing the sinner closer and closer."
Even our weaknesses take us to God if we let them. It is a very liberating thought: we are not capable of what we are about to do but we are not doing it alone and we are not doing it without purpose. God is with us, holding us up so that the reign of God may made plain in us and become hope to others. ( Pg. 20 The Rule of Benedict/Prologue)"
In this new year, there are many things we all like to resolve to achieve, but in all of it, we need God to tie our knots. May your new year be woven with all things that resolve, mend and bless.
Grace and Peace,