Yesterday I traveled about 2 hours southwest of my home to attend a class orientation for a new course in my seminary studies. The location I was headed was very close to a small amusement park that my family would visit each summer when I was a child: Conneaut Lake Park. While things never look the same as an adult as they did as a child, I was still anxious to stop by the park and see it - through adult eyes.
The day before, I had another chance to unexpectedly visit my childhood, when I met my fellow classmates for the new class. I missed general introductions when the rest of the class had started before arriving, so I gave a short bio and introduction late. As I told the class who I was, where I worked and what I was hoping to learn a fellow student chimed in...
Wait, you are from Warren County?
Do you know where the Agway in Youngsville is?
Yes - I grew up at the top of York Hill Road.
York Hill? I live on York Hill!!!
I'm Todd and I think I remember you when you were a little girl.
Now it was my turn to say - What?
I tentatively asked - "Did you ride a bus called Y14?"
Oh my - Yes! He replied.
This classmate that was now in my seminary class, used to ride my school bus and still lives on York Hill - 25 years later.
Life is weird.
Just when you think you are going to a place where no one will know you, you will find an unexpected connection. Sometimes these connections bring your eight year old perspective to your forty something life. What you thought was long gone - returns to remind you of your roots as well as that people can grow and change.
The amusement park is not what it used to be. Many of the rides have been torn down. The Midway is not as sparkly as I recall, but my feet used to walk there when I was a child. For that fact alone, my connection to that place remains.
Time passes - people change - amusement parks become weary; but connections remain.
We all are connected.