When I was a child my Mom, Nancy, would tell us Good Friday was a time for quiet, especially during the hours we recognized for Jesus crucifixion - noon to 3. We were invited to draw, read or to simply be quiet and restful in this three hour block of time. Even as a active child - I loved Good Friday for its quiet melancholy. Still do. So today - I will (try) to practice quiet this afternoon.
I wonder if my mom making space for contemplation, was a way that led to the way of learning to embrace contemplation through art, music and of course writing. I may have to give this some more thought, but thanks to my Mom for helping find center, when I didn't even know what that was.
No matter your religious perspectives and in this time of shelter in home - this snowy Good Friday is fitting for quiet, reflection and thinking about how others sacrifice make life possible.
Maybe this Good Friday is one we all can live together. Deep thanks to those who keep the world turning in this time of shelter.
Peace be with you all.