Last Sunday we celebrated the beauty and wonder of our new beginning together through the TRUSTING eyes of children of God. Beginning on a journey together it's important to know what is necessary to carry with us on this journey of faith and ministry together. What do we need to take with us? What burdens do we need to release in order to move forward?
Luke 9:62 (New International Version)
62Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."
When I look at this scripture I begin to think and wonder how often does my ability to rehash, rerun and repeat the negative things of life keep my focus off of the real direction I should be going in? If I'm truly beginning again, why carry around the burdens from the past?
If I keep looking backwards on this new beginning, my rows of life will be crooked and disorganized. Crooked rows are harder to care for, nurture, weed and harvest. By looking forward, my rows will be straight and easier to tend to. When planting a garden it's important to till the soil. It helps to break up the clay, remove the rocks that make it difficult for the new growth to take root, and allows oxygen to nourish the soil.
What clay needs to be broken in me? What rocks need to be removed in order to allow deeps roots to develop? What oxygen do I need in order to be nourished?
So in considering this scripture,I think it is safe to say we need to keep looking forward as well a living in the day we are in. If we are to pursue and achieve living a life as a disciple of Christ we need to take the steps necessary to allow ourselves to be freed from the things, memories, hurts, grudges, fears that binds us and keep us from moving freely into the journey that God intended for us to take.
God does not intend for us to travel backwards in life. What is the clay that needs to be broken, the stone that needs to be released - let go of - in order for you to move on and grow and take in the nourishment, the oxygen, in your relationship with God. With others?
Father God, help us to take hold of the plow. Help us to look forward, break up the clay and help us to remove the stones so that we can become fertile soil for your use and purpose.