Image by Alex DeCarvalho @ Flicker.
Today, I was formally installed at First Lutheran Church in Jamestown as their Director of Family and Youth Ministry. I've been working at the church since October 21st, but today my official welcome ceremony took place. The service this morning reflected the experience of my past and bounced back with a feeling of newness in opportunity.
In some ways, it was overwhelming today to be standing in front of the congregation and responding to all the "Will you..." questions that were posed to me. I answered each one by saying, "I will and I know God will help me."
Youth ministry is something that takes energy, intelligence, liking and loving kids as well as understanding that all the work is impossible without God's help and blessing. At this point in ministry and my life, I keep going back to my own need to more rely upon God. It's necessary to allow for the space and time for God to speak into my own life, before I'm of use to anyone else. The more I think of the balance between being willing to serve and understanding my own dependence upon God the more I'm amazed that I was standing in front of everyone this morning. God is so patient. God is so willing to work in our lives, if only we are willing to be molded and formed.
Today was one more opportunity to let go of my own agenda and ask God, what would you have me do? I feel more than ever that it is less about my doing, and more about my relying on God in whatever I do.
Someday, I hope to better understand the tension of willingness to serve and serving knowing that God already knows the story. I hope the words I write with my life are the ones God would desire be written.
There is a song I wrote for my kids in church once and the chorus goes like this -
"Wherever I go, whatever I see, I know that You are there watching over me."
Image by Alex DeCarvalho @ Flicker
God does not sit and watch our story from far away, God is with us. With you, and with me. It's in better understanding this promise that we can all say with confidence,
"I will and I know God will help me."
God us with us.
Also, thank you to my friends and family that came on this snowy day to show your support and love for me.
Congratulations on your installation. May the Lord continue to empower and expand your ministry.