The book "Unbinding your heart" (that we are starting this week in our face to face and online FACEBOOK discussion group), posed some great questions on the topic and practice of evangelism.
Here are the two questions that Chapter 1 focused upon:
" What difference does it make in your life that you are a Christian?"
"What difference does it make in others lives that you are a Christian?"
Here's and excerpt from the book if you need more to get your juices flowing...
"Say it in words. Here's the big next step. If your faith is already vibrant and alive, can you talk about it? That's the challenge. I was at a friend's house when her toddler threatened to hurl himself out of his high chair. Stretching out a yard-long arm, he shrieked "uhh...Uhhh, UHHHUHHHHUHHHUHHH," as he grabbed for the Cheerios in her hand. Sue murmured sweetly, "Say it in words, Mac."
Well if we want evangelistic Cheerios, if we want to help people discover the joys of being a Christian, we're going to have to learn to say it in words! What's at the heart of a life for God? a powerful relationship between each one of us and the Trinity. A powerful relationship between each one of us and other Christians, all of us held together helping to bear Christ to those who don't know him. Now lets learn to say it in words. Knowing it and saying it - that's the heart of evangelism."
(Page 19 Unbinding your heart)
What are your thoughts?