Apparently, my efforts to seek out the sweet things in life midst the sour is working. That, and I have some very kind blogging friends who know a little encouragement goes a long way. Thank you to my Sleeping with Bread Blogging friend Pamela for giving me a lemons to lemonade award. (Insert blushing and grinning here!)
Pamela explains the award as: "An Award that is given to bloggers that show a positive attitude, gratitude,and a willingness to share their ideas, support and online friendship. In other words, people who make lemonade when they get lemons!"
Here are the rules for the award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 7 blogs that show great Gratitude and/or Attitude.
3. Be sure to list and link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blog.
Life may give us all lemons, but I know these bloggers add so much sweetness and encouragement to my life. You should go and enjoy a cup of their tasty lemonade as soon as you can!
And the winners are.....
1. Pamela - I have to give a "Back at ya" Lemonade award. You deserve it! From poetry, to images, to your Sleeping with bread posts - you always stir up hope in my heart.
2. Mel - Yes you are another of my Sleeping with Bread buddies, yes you write beautiful posts, but your care for the fellow human beings in you life is such a brilliant light. Thank you for your thoughts and comments. You keep me going.
3. Mary Lue - We have things in common all over the place, except that we live on OPPOSITE sides of the country. Without you, I don't know if I would have ever known about Sleeping with Bread. What an adventure the baking has been already a few years now. On the other side of Easter, I look forward to your posts. I've missed you.
4. Dianne - We stumbled across each other through a few commonalities, but on learning about your love for Madeline L'Engle's writing, I knew you were an optimist. What great lemonade you make!
5. Terry - Your honesty and effort to faithfully keep making steps to grow in your life and faith is always an uplifting thing for me to read. You don't brush past the difficult stuff of life, but you make it easier to work through.
6. Ian - I'm so glad to see you posting on your blog again. You have this ability to take big ideas and thoughts and 'unpack' them for the reader. Not only are you smart, but you are sensitive to the readers need to come along with you on the idea - until they work it out in their way and time. You are frank, real and willing to work through the muck of life. Thanks for hanging in there with me. :)
7.Shannon - You take things from everyday life and create beauty out of them. That is lemonade if I ever tasted it. Thank you for inspiring me to find the beauty around me and to not dismiss the images I create. Thanks for seeing the lemonade in me.
Artwork by Shannon Newby See what I mean?
Seems I have plenty of lemons (or at least it feels that way some moments!). Marmalade was one thought! Lemonade works though!! ;-)