This photo of Kristen was taken last month while in India by her friend Chanda.
Matthew 21:1-3 "As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2saying to them, "Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. 3If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away."
A few weeks ago, an friend of mine returned home from a photography/mission trip to India with more than the usual souvenirs you would expect from such an adventure. Kristen took hundreds of photographs, made some new friends and fell in love with the people of India. One thing she did not expect though was to contract Colitis while she was there. In fact, during her last few days in India, Kristen came into contact with a virus that began this infection when caring for some children she had met there. It became necessary for her to be admitted to the hospital for a strong dose of antibiotics and fluids the last week there.
Upon returning home, Kristen thought all her medical issues had been dealt with, but I'm sad to tell you that she had continued to have significant physical problems since she has returned home. To complicate the matter, Kristen and her husband Zack, do not have any medical insurance and don't qualify for medicaid. Zack and Kristen are a wonderful, creative and caring couple that pour their lives into those around them. They work in youth ministry in the same small city as I do, and I count their service and ministry a blessing to me as well.
In the wake of change in the area of the medical care in the U.S., I have heard many stories of people caught in the place or pre-existing conditions, overwhelming deductibles, and missing medical assistance because they simply can't afford it! Kristen's story is one more of many, but since she's important to me (and many others too) - I think it's one that needs to be told...until something is done and she can receive the medical care she needs.
There are many areas of need in people's lives, but the physical well-being of a person can impact the whole person. I feel its important for Christians - or try to live in the way of Jesus - to speak up, stand up and do what they can to help when a need comes to the surface in there neighborhood and beyond.
In the story of Palm Sunday, Jesus sents his disciples to get a donkey for him to ride into Jerusalem. He simply tells them that is anyone asks why they are taking the donkey to tell them, "The Lord has need of it." It may seem to be an odd line of reasoning, but I think there is something to this.
Kristen has need of health care. Kristen can't get healthcare on her own. As a fellow disciple, isn't it my role to go and find a way to help her get what she needs? I think so.
If you would like to visit Kristen's photography website or if you have some information that would help her find what she needs, please post a comment below. Let's help Kristen get her donkey.