Image: Heartsong By khollandsblog
Psalm 139:5
You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.
You hem me in,
you hold me close
in moments I miss and fail to notice.
Heavy my heart for the worries of the day,
If I could grasp how you still try to light my way.
You see and the corners
I try to hide
and still love who you see,
no darkness can hide.
Do I see me with your eyes
or ones that only see shortfalls and lies.
What do is see when I look at my face?
A mirrored reflection with it all out of place or
a life of hope, a mind to grasp it?
Do I get it all or only catch a glimmer a glimpse of my place?
Who I am and have been created to be.
A vessel of eikon - built to hold love.
Can I give it a try?
I am a child of G-d,
you made me to breathe -
not limited gasping moments but deep breath full of life and possibility.
Can I see what you see?
A child made in love, and made to be free.
T.L. Eastman 2009