There is a revival of an old teaching method and it is being picked up by youth ministries nationwide. It is the process and practice of storytelling scripture. I had the opportunity to sit on on an example of this teaching method last Saturday at the YS One Day training I attended in Hamburg, NY at the Hub.
We listened to the account of Creation and had the time to really focus on what depth the story held. At the end of the listening, we reviewed the story, and then broke up into small groups to discuss different aspects of the story. So often in ministry, discussions and learning can feel rushed and hurried. This approach did not, in fact all this week I've found my mind wandering back to the story of Creation and I'm caught up in my imagination with the activity and wonder of it. What if storytelling could help spark not only my imagination, but that of the students I work with each week?
Echo the Story offers a web-site full of free resources: downloads of story lessons and tips, as well as video tools like the ones I've featured below. It is good to hear of new - but really old - methods of teaching scripture. And by the way, who doesn't like a story?

If you are looking for a book resource, I'd suggest "Shaped by the Story" by Michael Novelli. This book does a great job of explaining how to lead a lesson in this way as well as including a companion DVD to help explain the process to your youth leaders and church members.
Listen to the stories - they make a difference.
We listened to the account of Creation and had the time to really focus on what depth the story held. At the end of the listening, we reviewed the story, and then broke up into small groups to discuss different aspects of the story. So often in ministry, discussions and learning can feel rushed and hurried. This approach did not, in fact all this week I've found my mind wandering back to the story of Creation and I'm caught up in my imagination with the activity and wonder of it. What if storytelling could help spark not only my imagination, but that of the students I work with each week?
Echo the Story offers a web-site full of free resources: downloads of story lessons and tips, as well as video tools like the ones I've featured below. It is good to hear of new - but really old - methods of teaching scripture. And by the way, who doesn't like a story?

If you are looking for a book resource, I'd suggest "Shaped by the Story" by Michael Novelli. This book does a great job of explaining how to lead a lesson in this way as well as including a companion DVD to help explain the process to your youth leaders and church members.
Listen to the stories - they make a difference.
~Michael Novelli
Thanks for stopping by - I appreciate the storytelling approach to teaching so much! I'll keep in touch.
Best wishes,