Blessed with life and blessed with hope.
Blessed with words spoken with promise, courage and love.
Blessed with glimmers of light in the dark.
Blessed with real life goodness that connects with the heart.
Blessed with laughter, challenge and lark.
Blessed with silliness, learning and spark.
Blessed in the moments that catch me off guard.
Blessed in the days that get difficult and hard.
Blessing abounds in the days, minutes and hours
that pass my present moments like warm summer showers.
Blessing is here if only I look
to see, hear and taste goodness that wants to be took.
Blessing is waiting just around the bend
if only I'd always see it and greet it like a friend.
Blessing in light and blessing in dark,
help me see blessings in all my life - not just part.
T.L. Eastman 2009
Holy Shenanigans Podcast Episode #162 Selah Season Tara continues sane spiritual practices with an opportunity to practice, "Selah". This week's Scripture focus: Psalm 62. Questions for Discussion: 1. What Spiritual Practices do you enjoy? 2. Are your Spiritual Practices Active or more Contemplative? 3. Do you "Selah", before you Serve? 4. Do you think pause (Selah) should come before Service? Why or why not? 5. If you could give advice to a friend about the value of pause, what would say? 6. Where can you find a pocket for Selah/pause in your day?
Thank you also for posting this beautiful poem. It is an excellent reminder that we are truly blessed even if we don't always see it.
God bless you!
And don't think I didn't need this bit of wisdom from you this morning... Obviously did!