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The Unexpected Jesus

Art by He qi

What's in a name?

A while ago I was chatting with a friend about what was going on in her life and she was asking about me as well. There was an exchange of information, emotion and even story. She shared anecdotes from her life and eventually we came to a discussion about our names. She has been married for several years and when she was getting married she decided to hyphenate her maiden and married name.

She was surprised however when I told her my maiden name had been Rain. "What? I thought your maiden name was Lamont!" I simply explained than when I got married, I decided to drop my maiden name, add my husband's name and retain my given first and middle names. I explained why my Mom had given me my middle name (after a high school friend that she looked up to.) and was ready to go on to the next topic of discussion when she stammered," I though I knew who you were, but your name isn't what I thought it was!" Then she jokingly added, " What else haven't you told me?"

The names that we are given and the ones that we choose have the power to deliver a snapshot of who we are. Our names don't tell everything about us, but they do come with stories of how they came about – provide reasons for us to change them - and give us a practical starting place when introducing ourselves. "Hi my name is…" Knowing each other's name is a place to start a conversation or even a friendship.

Every now and then my friend who didn't know my name origin asks me, "Now is there anything else I should know about you that you haven't told me?" At that point I'll say, "I'm an open book, ask anything you like and I'll tell you more.

Relationships begin on a foundation of trust based on truly knowing the other person.
It's important for people to truly feel like they know each other and that the foundation of the relationship is strong and truthful. While my friend and I are joking when it comes to the name situation, it can be devastating when we discover a relationship isn't based on what we thought. Or even worse the person we thought we knew very well, we find we don't know at all. When this occurs, we feel as if the foundation of everything is crumbling, we don't know where to stand, we loose our balance, and sometimes we fall or loose our sense of direction. It's as if we have relationship vertigo!

The disciples on the road to Emmaus were experiencing relationship vertigo. They had followed Jesus for a long time, learning about God and how to treat their neighbors. They had looked to Jesus to change their world and overturn the established government – but things had not turned out the way they expected. They were uncertain, frustrated, puzzled and discouraged as Jesus had died, been buried and three days later the tomb he had been placed in was empty! They had heard from some of the women that Jesus was raised, but why would Jesus not have come to them and announce the miracle. Jesus had not been and was not what they expected he would be.

Jesus does the unexpected.

A stranger approached two travelers on the road to Emmaus. He was anxious to learn what had recently occurred in Jerusalem concerning Jesus and his followers. "What are you discussing with each other? What things have occurred in the last few days?", asks the stranger. While they walked along the road the friends shared their story with the stranger.

The stranger listened closely as they told him of what had happened to Jesus in Jerusalem. They told the whole story – they don't hold anything back. They shared their years with Jesus: the miracles, the lessons, his arrest, beating, and crucifixion. Finally Jesus was buried and now all that remained of their time with him was an empty tomb! Jesus followers were scattered, confused and wondering what to do. They continued discussing God and the prophets - beginning with Moses and ending with Jesus. By that time, it was getting dark and they were famished from all the walking and talking. The friends invited the stranger to eat with them.
They still wanted to continue talking about Jesus with someone so willing to listen. It was so good to have someone to listen to his or her experience and to care what he or she was going through!

As they shared a meal and as the stranger broke the bread, they saw a change in the stranger – and saw him as he truly was. It was Jesus! As soon as they realized the stranger was Jesus – which they had spent all day with, asked all their questions and shared their disappointments with Jesus – they rejoiced, and Jesus vanished!

What had just happened? The emotions were overwhelming! They had to tell their friends that Jesus was alive! They got up and walked all night long to Jerusalem, to tell their friends that the women had been right all along – Jesus was alive - and he came to see them too! Jesus had not come to them in the way they had expected, but he had returned! In the midst of their sorrow and relationship vertigo – Jesus came to them, walked with them, listened to them and calmed the storm that was raging inside of their hearts. Jesus was alive!

If you read the account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus you will find the disciples do a good job of telling the story of who Jesus was, what Jesus did and who they believed Jesus to be. I invite you to take the opportunity to re-tell a Jesus story.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
Jesus turning the water into wine.
Jesus and the feeding of the 5000.
Jesus and the rich young ruler.
Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well.
Jesus walking on the water.
Jesus overturning the tables in the temple.
Jesus birth.
Jesus parables.
Jesus raising Lazarus…
Try to choose a story that you are rather familiar with.
Try to tell it without "reading" the text.
Tell it in you own words.
Think of why this story is important to you.
How did you do?
Compare your version to the actual story.

The account of the disciples on the road to Emmaus tells how in the midst of challenge Jesus is there to meet us. When something happens in life that money, power, and abilities can't fix, you need to be ready and expecting God to show up.

Through the actions of Jesus, God shows up in ways, places and people that you least expected. Jesus will surprise, shock and challenge you was you walk along the road of life. Don't be afraid to ask Jesus, "Is there anything else I should know about you that you haven't told me?" At that point Jesus says, "I'm an open book, ask anything you like and I'll tell you more than you ever imagined!

If there is one thing I'm learning, it's that people that claim to believe in Jesus need to model their lives after Christ's example. How can we begin to model Christ if we don't even know his stories'. I've been challenged to become a better student in hopes that my studies of Jesus will impact the way I live. This process does include sharing my journey with Christ with the world around me in both my actions and my "stories". Just as Jesus was an unexpected travel companion for the disciples on the road to Emmaus - Jesus waits to join all of us on our journey. Maybe today is the day for the unexpected Jesus to join you too?

Scripture for this essay is found in Luke 24:13-34


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